Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Foil Packet {Oven Steamed} Fish

Hey friends! I'm realizing this is the second fish recipe I am posting within a week, but we are trying to incorporate healthy, low fat, low cholesterol protein into our diet and fish is a great way to do it. This one is so easy and so versatile you will laugh.  It takes maybe 20 minutes til it's done, and you can make some rice, potatoes, or quinoa in the meantime....which means less than 30 minutes til dinner! Great, right? I think so!

Rather than giving you a recipe for family style like normal, this is more of an individual serving type thing.  So the recipe is for each individual packet.  Easily converted from a single serving to 6 servings or more, and it takes just about the same amount of time for 1 or 6 people. You can also put it on the grill and let it steam on there. Just make sure the bbq gets hot enough to get the contents of each packet steaming for long enough. This is also great because it makes it easy for portion control. Everyone gets their own packet and there's no excess to over eat.

Foil Packet Fish

1 filet/steak of fish for each person in your family (I used tilapia again because it's what we have, but salmon is great this way, as would halibut or cod or lots of other kinds. Just use what you like. However, do NOT use tuna steaks. Tuna is best seared.)
3 slices of lemon per person
fresh or frozen vegetable of your choice, about 1/2 c to 1 cup per person (we used green beans, but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, broccoli, name it, it would work well for this.)
1/8 c water for each packet
1 tsp olive oil for each packet
salt and pepper
garlic powder
1 sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil for each packet

I recommend using frozen fish all of the time unless you live in a coastal state and you know the fish you got fresh at the store is really fresh.  This is because frozen fish is always frozen where it is caught, and always within a few hours of being caught. So it is usually the freshest option out there.  Living in Utah, it is always the best choice for my husband and I. I was raised in California, and usually had decent fish available fresh there, but since moving to Utah, I have had to change the way I think about fish.

Okay, now that's out of the way and we can move onto the recipe.  Set your oven to 400 degrees. Place your foil on the counter, and place the fish (skin side down if there is skin) on top of the foil.  Top with salt and pepper and garlic powder, and then lemon slices.  Lastly add your veggies, olive oil, and water. Fold the sides of the foil in first, then pull the top and bottom up and fold it over to make a tight seal, but leaving room for the steam to cook every thing.

Put your packets on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about 20 minutes.  Fish should be tender and flake apart, and veggies should be tender but not mushy.  Serve hot with your favorite starch.  We had it with quinoa that I dressed with lemon juice, salt and pepper, olive oil and a dash of dill.


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