Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sesame Beef and Bok Choy

Alright, this is one of my husband's recipes, and in truth, I am not sure there is really a science to it at all....stir fry is kind of a free for all.  But I am going to try to put this in a recipe form, as well as I can.  My husband loves to cook Chinese food--it reminds him of his 2 year LDS mission in New Zealand, which was about 6 years ago.  He served the Chinese people in Aukland, and he loves cooking with a wok.  So I let him, naturally.  What wife wouldn't let her husband cook if he wants to?  Especially if he is good at it? No one.  So here is what he made the other night.  As I said before, the measurements are approximate, but you get the idea.

Sesame Beef and Bok Choy

2 pkgs stir fry style sliced beef
1 head of bok choy, chopped
1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
3 cloves garlic, chopped fine
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tsp sesame oil
1/4 c soy sauce
1/2 an onion, sliced
3 carrots, cut into coins
1 small can water chestnuts, drained and sliced
peanut oil, for stir frying
steamed rice, to serve with

In a large wok, pour a couple of tbsp of the peanut oil and heat til it starts to ripple.  Add the beef, and cook, stirring as you go, until cooked through.  Add carrots and onions, and continue to stir while cooking.  Add garlic and ginger and water chestnuts, and then bok choy.  Add soy sauce, sesame oil and sesame seeds last, and cook til the bok choy begins to wilt.  Remove from heat, and serve over rice.

**Note: if you have never used a wok before, you need to take note of a couple of things.

  • First, woks are best used over high, but controlled heat--it's best to use them over a gas stove or outdoor cooker if possible.  Electric heat is too hard to control.  
  • Also, because the heat is high, you need to continue stirring as you cook so your food does not burn.  
  • Always cook meat first to avoid food contamination.  
  • Follow cooking the meat with the harder, or more solid veggies, such as carrots, celery, and onions.  Wok cooking goes fast, so you have to make sure you time everything right so you get everything to the right tenderness.  


  1. What does Bok Choy taste like? I'm not sure I've ever had it. Unless it's been in Chinese dishes and I've just eaten it not knowing whats in it....

  2. bok choy is sort of like chinese cabbage/lettuce. It grows like a head of lettuce, and it has long leaves that are dark green with white stalks growing up through the center of the leaves. You can get it at most grocery stores. It's one of those greens that you should cook though, kind of weird tasting when it's raw. Very common in Chinese dishes.
